5 Of My Favourite Places To Visit In Australia

If you didn’t know already, I spent a year travelling around Australia 6 years ago now. It was the dream destination at that stage of my life and I had the best time ever. If you have wanted to visit Australia on holiday, backpack around or even move there, I can highly recommend it. I visited so many places in…
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Knaresborough – The Perfect Yorkshire Escape

It’s been two years since my fiancĂ© surprised me with an incredible anniversary stay over in Knaresborough, Yorkshire and whilst my beautiful mother-in-law to be was visiting, I knew that I couldn’t let her leave the UK without visiting this incredible place. I am ashamed to say that I didn’t even know this place existed until two years ago, so…
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Palazzino Di Corina Hotel And Some Local Cuisine In Crete

I know I have been talking an awful lot about my time over in Crete, but I need to tell you about some of the amazing places I ate at and the incredible hotel Palazzino Di Corina that we called home while we were in Rethymno. Sorry that I haven’t included any photos of the food that we ate over…
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Finding Myself In Australia

I remember vividly where I was and how I felt 6 years ago when I decided to go travelling. I can’t believe it has taken me so long to write this blog post about my experience in Australia and I hope in some way it will inspire others to go and explore this incredible world. I was working at GAP…
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My incredible trip to Venice

I’ve been so excited to write this blog on Venice and to share my weekend trip with you all. Ever since I visited Rome, I was hooked on Italy and Venice was the next place on my list. I have been dreaming of going to Venice for so long now and I can tell you that it didn’t disappoint. We…
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