Instagram Truths & Dramas

I have detailed my feelings in past posts on how I feel about one of the biggest social media platforms in the world and how it affects my daily life. You can find the previous posts here if you did want to check them out.   “Why I’m Saying No To Having An Instagram Theme” and “The World Of Instagram And Finally Feeling Content”.

If I’m being completely honest, I love the platform. Yes it has it’s major faults with all the crashes it’s sustained this year and with everyone rushing over to Twitter to see if it’s their phone or if there’s something wrong with their beloved app. We can all moan and groan but the truth is, you love Instagram because if you didn’t, you would have said goodbye to this app a long time ago. I felt inspired to write this post today, as somethings are really bothering me and I thought what better way than to share it with you. So, here we go!


Engagement Groups

Yes, I used to be in one, but not anymore. When I first started blogging and trying to create a presence on Instagram, I used to receive messages asking if I would like to be in an engagement group. At first, I had no idea what these groups entailed but I just thought why not, surely it couldn’t hurt right? What we would do is post an image on our feeds like normal and then message in the group “Posted” so they can come on over and like the post and leave a cheeky comment. This is all fine and dandy but the end result is not so great.

What you’re left with is the same people commenting and liking each other’s post where brands and more importantly the app is going to catch on to this. The worst thing that could come out of this is you loosing your account, which most definitely would not be ideal. I haven’t been in an Engagement Group for years and personally I would rather have genuine people liking and commenting my content instead of me asking them to.

Follow to Follow

I really dislike the whole follow to follow game. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with certain Twitter threads that are currently being posted but don’t take it personally if someone doesn’t follow you back. Personally, I love to follow people for their content and what they bring to my everyday life through my news feed. I have unfollowed people in the past and straight away they have done the same back (clearly tracking this and only ever followed me in the first place for a follow back – not cool!)

There’s nothing better than generating followers who really want to be here and love what you do.


Instagram & Mental Health

Recently, it was announced that Instagram has been ranked as having the most detrimental effect on young people’s mental health of our generation. A close second was Snapchat, followed by Facebook. YouTube however, is the only social media platform that has a positive effect on our mental health. So I guess we need to ask why and what we can do to change this. I feel very passionate about this topic and would love to know your thoughts on it. I have had so many issues in the past with comparing myself to others, wondering why my images didn’t get as many likes as the one before etc. But the truth is, I have learned to deal with this and I post content that inspires me instead of worrying about the likes.

Don’t forget that near enough always, our content isn’t being unlocked to our full audience because Instagram wants you to pay for this feature. So half of the time your users don’t event get to see your content. Make sure you’re engaging, posting consistently on the feed and keep your stories coming to try and achieve a full reach.




  1. 18/10/2019 / 3:28 pm

    Yeah I feel ya on this girl! My pet hate is when people bang on about Instagram being crap but continue to moan every day and begging for likes that kills me off ha. I’m much more interested in putting my energy into my blog as our blogs are ours if you know what I mean 🙂 xx

    Han /

    • doorwaysanddresses
      22/10/2019 / 9:35 am

      Yes I completely get this Hannah. If you were solely an Instagrammer and the app died tomorrow, there goes your career. At least we have our blogs as well, I’m so proud to be a blogger 🙂

  2. 19/10/2019 / 8:58 pm

    I totally agree with you. I actually deleted Facebook and Instagram last week because I decided I needed to put my mental health first. My mind feels a lot calmer somehow. X

    • doorwaysanddresses
      22/10/2019 / 9:36 am

      Good for you Louise! Putting your mental health first is a must and you can always go back to the apps whenever you feel ready. I took a huge break last year from my social channels and I felt so much better for it 🙂 xxx

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