My Full Project Me Review

Hey there, welcome to 2024! Can you believe it’s already another year? Time seems to be flying by, doesn’t it? I wanted to take a moment to talk about my journey through Project Me in 2023. If you’re following me on Instagram, you probably already know what I’m referring to. But if you’re new here, let me give you a quick rundown.

Project Me

Last year, I joined Project Me and it involved keeping track of my daily or weekly progress in eating healthier, taking care of myself, and exercising, among other things. Many people had their own reasons for participating, but for me, it was primarily about losing weight. However, my perspective on Project Me shifted as time went on.

Project Me

I’ve definitely struggled with my eating habits since I was a teenager, and these issues tend to resurface at various times in my life. Sometimes I barely eat anything, other times I resort to purging, and overall, I just haven’t been taking care of my body. However, when I joined the Project Me challenge, my mindset completely shifted to something more positive and empowering. I began to find joy in exercising and eating nutritious food, and I stopped obsessing over my dress size or the number on the scale. Instead, my main focus became achieving a healthy BMI and taking care of my mental health.

Project Me

Weight wasn’t the only focus; it was also about looking after myself and finding moments of self-care. Taking bubble baths, applying face masks, and treating myself to a manicure were all dedicated to nurturing myself. I never truly understood the impact Project Me would have on my life until now, and I’m determined to carry this positive mindset into 2024.

Project me

Apologies for going on and on, but I realised that I forgot to film the end result for Project Me on Instagram. So, I figured what better way than to hop on here and have a more detailed discussion about it. I really suggest joining in, as there are no strict guidelines, it’s all about focusing on yourself.m


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