The World Of Instagram And Finally Feeling Content

It’s a lovely summer’s night, Gareth is out at a work event and I have just had a burst of inspiration…. and decided to write a blog post on how I am feeling at this moment in time. I am currently sat on my balcony, enjoying this beautiful UK weather (while it lasts) and I feel very at peace. I feel inspired to share my journey on the road to happiness within the world of social media with you all. So let’s talk Instagram!

Instagram is one of my favorite platforms, however I feel that personally I have put a lot of pressure on myself for my feed to look and feel a certain way. I am sure that I am not the only one that compares themselves to other feeds that are just on point and feel, ‘why isn’t mine as good as that’. Am I not editing a certain way? Is my content not that great? Why am I not getting engagement on my posts?

I stepped back today and looked at my feed and I know it’s not 100% perfect, but you know what… it’s me. It’s real, it’s who I am and I am happy with that. It’s alright to sometimes have down days and have a lot of self doubt, but when it’s all said and done, It’s about enjoying what you post. Whether it’s inspiring others on your new fashion trend, your favourite restaurant or the amazing holiday you have just been on, or whatever the case may be. There are no rules to Instagram or social media in general – you can go for whichever theme you like and post whatever you want – it’s up to you. Just be happy with what you are posting and enjoy the ride. Instagram might not last forever so let’s not obsess over this – let’s face it, life will throw you bigger curve-balls.

I don’t have an incredibly large amount of followers, but the followers that I do have are very loyal to me and support me, as I do them. Please don’t get into buying likes and buying followers because I know a few people who have done that and it’s like paying to be popular. If you don’t want to form relationships with brands by working closely with them, then you are misleading them – which is not good for you or them and not fair to the people who have grown their followers organically.

To cut a long story short, I have decided to stop obsessing over silly things and enjoy my content. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it too. To be fair, that is all that matters at the end of the day.

Please comment below with your Instagram handles so I can check yours out and leave any thoughts that you have on this topic. If you would like to check my Instagram out then just click the link: Doorways & Dresses

Also if you are wanting any photography tips for your blog posts then head on over to my “5 ways to improve your photography skills for your blog”





    • doorwaysanddresses
      03/08/2018 / 7:51 am

      Thank you so much Brianna, I am so happy you enjoyed the post. I agree, it’s time to focus on myself and just enjoy the journey πŸ™‚ xxx Thank you for your support

    • doorwaysanddresses
      12/08/2018 / 7:58 pm

      It definitely is so much more healthier to just enjoy what you are posting and hopefully people will enjoy it as well xxx

  1. Cornish Maid 87
    11/08/2018 / 5:41 pm

    Love this post! I would much rather look at a ‘real’ Insta feed like yours than one that uses the same colour scheme in every pic just to try to look aesthetically pleasing. It’s so hard to gain lots of followers on Instagram these days but it’s also much better to have less followers who engage with your content more. You can find my blog here: Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚ x

    • doorwaysanddresses
      12/08/2018 / 8:05 pm

      Thank you so much for your comment, it has really made my day. Thanks so much for your support πŸ™‚ means the world to me xxx

    • doorwaysanddresses
      12/08/2018 / 8:05 pm

      Thank you so much for your comment, it has really made my day. Thanks so much for your support πŸ™‚ means the world to me xxx

  2. Nora Di Leo
    12/08/2018 / 12:18 am

    I actually really like your feed and the engagement we share πŸ™‚ And I agree with buying followers… why would someone do it? There’s no point. Also great pics <3

    • doorwaysanddresses
      12/08/2018 / 8:06 pm

      Thanks so much, I am so happy you enjoy my feed Yes I don’t get it either with the buying followers business. It needs to stop. πŸ™‚ As always, thanks for your support xxx

  3. riaparikhblog
    27/08/2018 / 11:50 am

    I love how honest and real this post was. The internet, particularly the Instagram platform can be quite deceiving. Loved this!

    • doorwaysanddresses
      27/08/2018 / 2:18 pm

      Thank you so much, so happy you enjoyed the post. It’s something I have been feeling very passionate about lately and felt like I needed to share a post on the topic. Loving your Instagram feed by the way πŸ™‚

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