Happy Halloween – Let The Festivities Begin

Happy Halloween! I’m sure you’re all getting ready to hit the town in your spookiest attire this evening, unlike me as I’m having a quiet one and probably stocking up on all the sweets.

Last year we had a house party and I had so much fun but to be quite frank, I just couldn’t be bothered this year. Normally I would dress up the flat but all my Halloween props remain in bags in the boiler room. However, I know the big boss man at work is going to make us some spooky cocktails which I’m excited about. Keep an eye out on Instagram Stories for these.

Halloween is nearly over and I’m starting to get into the Christmas festive spirit, I’m sure I’m not the only one. I’m buzzing for the Leeds German Christmas market, hot chocolate with baileys and mulled cider (clearly all alcohol based). This will be our first Christmas in our new place and even though we’re not spending Christmas day here, I still want to dress up the flat as much as I can.

I will be investing in some more Christmas decorations but nothing too crazy as we’re watching the pennies for our wedding next year. At some stage I will post all of our Christmas decorations on Instastories so you can check them out. I have also started thinking about potentially starting my very own YouTube channel, which I’m excited and nervous about. First I want to invest in a good camera so I can put out good quality content for you guys to see but it would mostly involve my life in Leeds, checking out new bars to visit and wedding talk. I love to chat which if you know me is nothing new, so I thought why not. It’s something I have thought about doing for some time now, it might be a new years’ resolution and I would love to have your thoughts on this.

Anyway, let’s enjoy Halloween for now. Eat all the treats, drink all the drinks and have a spooky Wednesday. Follow me on Instagram for all the spooky content.



  1. Louise
    31/10/2018 / 1:29 pm

    Look forward to seeing your cocktails later! I am also staying in having a quiet one! Eating all the sweets 😁🎃 x

    • doorwaysanddresses
      31/10/2018 / 1:34 pm

      Think we’re having them at 3:00pm, very excited. I’m so happy that I’m not the only one that’s having a quiet one tonight 🙂 xxx Think I will have a date with Ben and Jerry

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