The pandemic has inspired many of us to take stock of our lives. And now that you’ve re-evaluated what matters to you, you might have decided to carve out some time to build a better you. Be kind to yourself and try our five solutions for self-improvement! Get More Sleep This can be difficult for the night owls out…
This is a collaborative post. Within the past year, I have developed a keen interest in hiking. I have hiked in the past around Yorkshire and in Australia and it’s such a liberating feeling and something that I would love to get into more. I thought I would share with you top my tips on how to stay entertained on…
Self care is giving the world the best of you and something we really should be doing on a daily basis. Having a ‘You’ day is so important, but what if we took one of those days everyday. What I mean by that is, why wait until the weekend to have a bubble bath or a glass of wine? If…
This is a collaborative post Gareth and I first moved to Leeds around 6 years ago and we have loved every minute of it. We decided to rent an apartment in the city centre because quite simply we didn’t have enough of a deposit to buy a property and it’s not something that we have ever really thought about doing,…
Whenever someone asks me what my niche is, I just stare blankly as I have no idea what to say. To be completely honest, when I first created Doorways & Dresses, it was a travel & fashion blog, up until last year that is. It soon changed to what I can only describe as Lifestyle. You see the thing is,…