How I Feel About The Pixi Hydrating Milky Skincare Collection

Pixi Beauty has kindly sent over the most beautiful PR package in the shape of milk bottles to celebrate the launch of their new Hydrating Milky Skincare Collection. If you know me by now, you will know that I do love a hydrating skincare routine as my skin can get quite dehydrated at times. I have incorporated the Pixi Hydrating Skincare range into my morning routine and I thought I would share with you my honest opinion on the products. So let’s get to it:

*Products featured within this post were gifted

Pixi Beauty


Step 1 – Hydrating Milky Makeup Remover

I obviously don’t need to use this on a morning but I have been trying this product out on an evening to remove all my makeup (although we are currently in lockdown, I am still wearing makeup most days as it helps me feel more productive for the day ahead). I can honestly say that this product receives a big thumbs up from me as I sometimes struggle to find a good makeup remover and I literally only rave about 3 different brands that currently live on my bathroom shelf. It removes all your makeup including waterproof products and is very gentle on the eyes, as I normally find with makeup remover products, they tend to irritate my eye area which can be really uncomfortable. This product contains coconut and probiotics to help balance your skin and it smells amazing.


Step 2 – Hydrating Milky Cleanser

I have been using this product each morning for the past week and as a cleanser I can say that I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s really smooth and soft on the skin which I really like and is very hydrating. On the bottle it says to use a coin size amount but I have been using less than that as it lathers up quite nicely on the skin – less is more with this product guys! It comes out as a cream and not an oil which is what I’m mostly used to. If you suffer with dry to extremely dry skin – you could be on to a winner with this product. Like the makeup remover, it also contains coconut, probiotics  and willow bark extract.


Step 3 – Hydrating Milky Peel

I have so much love for this product! I apply the gentle exfoliating cream every other morning as I feel that it would be too much to use it each morning. You only need to apply a thin layer so again, this product will last you a long time and you literally just leave it to do its magic for 2-3 minutes. Once the time is up, all you need to do is gently massage and rinse off. The main use of this product is to clear away dead cells and brighten the skin, it’s also suitable for all skin types.


Step 4 – Milky Tonic

The Pixi Milky Tonic is at such a bargain price of £10.00, I mean wow – BARGAIN! You use this tonic ideally after your cleanse (I know this says step 4 but you wouldn’t normally use the Hydrating Milky Peel every day – if you catch my drift). The tonic includes a calming and hydrating milk to comfort complexion. It hydrates, nourishes, relaxes the skin and is also alcohol free. You can use this in the morning and on an evening after your cleanse but at the moment, I have just been using this in the morning. I really do like this product and for the price, you just can’t go wrong. It smells lush as well.

Pixi Serum

Step 5 – Hydrating Milky Serum

You all know that I love a serum and how important it is for your skin, especially if you have skin concerns or if you worry about wrinkles, like little old me. Wrinkles be gone! I tend to mix a little of the serum with the Hydrating Milky Lotion and I feel this has worked wonders. As much as I enjoy this serum, I feel that I prefer a more oil based one. This is why I have mixed the serum and moisturiser together as I feel that this works quite well. This specific serum has a rich source of botanical extracts & vitamin E which helps protect, nourish and strengthen the skin.


Step 6 – Hydrating Milky Lotion

You can use this moisturiser not only on your face but your body as well which is a huge plus from me. With ingredients such as coconut and shea butter, it really does leave the skin feeling super soft. I do suffer with dry skin and I love a hydrating product. This one I feel is not quite hydrating enough for me, although when I add the serum mixed with the moisturiser, I feel this really works wonders.



Obviously, you don’t need to use all the Pixi Hydrating Skincare Products together, however I do believe they work best as a team. If I was going to recommend my top product, it would have to be the Hydrating Milky Makeup Remover, solely based on the fact that it’s so gentle on the skin, it doesn’t irritate my eyes and it literally removes all makeup including waterproof based mascara which is ideal for me. If you had to ask me which is my least favourite, I would probably say the Hydrating Milky Serum, purely because it’s cream based and I prefer an oil substance, but like I said earlier, mixing the serum with the moisturiser has a really nice effect.

Pixi Beauty

So there you have it, I hope you have enjoyed this review of the Pixi Hydrating Milky Skincare Collection as much as I have enjoyed testing these products out. This is the first time I have tried the brand and it definitely won’t be the last. If you have any questions about any of the products, please leave them down below and I will get back to you.

*All the products were gifted as part of a PR package from Pixi. I was under no obligation to post and as always my opinions are 100% my own. 



  1. 23/04/2020 / 3:25 pm

    I reeeally want to try the Milky range, it is such a cute little collection. I absolutely love Pixi products and am currently running out of a few items in their ‘Glow’ range so I would love to try something a little difference next time. These products sound so hydrating, nourishing, soothing and kind to the skin. Thanks for sharing your brilliant review Victoria, and lovely photos too! <3 xx

    Bexa |

    • doorwaysanddresses
      26/04/2020 / 2:40 pm

      Thanks Bexa, so happy you enjoyed the post. It’s definitely a great skincare collection from Pixi and with it being my first experience with the brand, I was super impressed. I haven’t tried the Glow range, I will definitely give that a try next. 🙂

  2. Debra A
    24/04/2020 / 2:07 am

    I love the Pixi products, definitely some of my fav!! Great reviews!! 😃

    • doorwaysanddresses
      26/04/2020 / 2:41 pm

      Thanks so much for reading, so happy you enjoyed the review 🙂

  3. theimlife
    09/07/2020 / 6:49 am

    I love the Rose Tonic but definitely need to give more of Pixi’s products a go! These sound great for skin types that need a bit of hydration (and that is me!) so this range looks perfect.

    • doorwaysanddresses
      09/07/2020 / 11:58 am

      Ooo I have just received the tonic but I haven’t tried it yet. I have heard amazing things though so I’m looking forward to trying the product. I can highly recommend the hydrating products if you have de-hydrated skin like me, let me know if you do give any of them a try and what you think of them 🙂

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