• On The Hunt For My Wedding Dress

    Hi everyone, sorry that I haven’t posted over this past week. I needed a break and decided to spend time with family (which is always super important) and get in a few good wedding-talk sessions. I thought I would share with you all what I have been thinking, so lets get cozy and light my Miss to Mrs candle, which…
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    The Pressures Of Fashion Blogging

    I have been so slack when it comes to writing about fashion and it’s something that I really want to change and start doing more of. Initially, Doorways & Dresses was primarily a travel and fashion blog, until it evolved into pretty much every other topic. Travel is my number one passion but I’m also very passionate about fashion, especially…
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    5 Of My Favourite Places To Visit In Australia

    If you didn’t know already, I spent a year travelling around Australia 6 years ago now. It was the dream destination at that stage of my life and I had the best time ever. If you have wanted to visit Australia on holiday, backpack around or even move there, I can highly recommend it. I visited so many places in…
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    Choosing Your Bridesmaid Squad

    It’s been a while since I’ve updated you all on my wedding plans and I thought today would be the perfect opportunity. This is something that I’ve thought about writing for some time now but never really got round to it. Choosing your bridesmaid squad is very important and there’s a lot of factors that you should take into account…
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    Sunday Vibes & Catch-Up Time

    Hope you’ve all had a great weekend so far and you’re having a great Sunday! I can’t believe we are already in November, this year is flying by. Also, how crazy is this weather, one minute I’m freezing cold in my thermals and then the next minute I’m boiling hot (slight exaggeration). Today it’s been 13 degrees in Leeds and…
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